Daily Blog of Clair The Rat's First Litter of Babes

Daily Blog of Clair The Rat's First Litter of Babes

Sunday, February 27, 2011

day 16

feeding frenzy!

when i got home activity in the cage was dull at best clair was nibbling and preening, being still and quiet as if not to disturb her brood, the bebes all asleep but for spasmodic wiggles and little yawns.
Now just before i hit the hay, i peer in to the cage with my bed time snack in hand to see a fiesta of movement in the cage, no doswey little doppers here. a little one sat in the food dish nibbling this and that, a playful rumble was happening in one corner while two little bebes cling to the rim of the coffee mug watering hole exploring the new way to get a drink. they rock around the cage trying out new snacks, attempting to climb the cage bars and stealing treats from mom
it is easier now to imagine what it will be like to have eight full grown ratters living with me, thank you so much folks for giving them loving homes to go to. still looking for a home for one of these little buggers.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed there are no pictures of Daddy Fred Astaire, hmmmmm? -mc
